Martech Insider – Focus on Kontentino

Martech Insider – Focus on Kontentino

02 juillet 2019

Kontentino the innovation Social Media Management, Publishing Planning & Collaboration

For our Newsletter Martech Insider, each month Saas Advisor interviews the Product Manager / CTO / CEO of a tool that deserves to be better known. In January 2019, we choose to focus on Kontentino, a very intuitive Social Media Management, publishing, planning & collaboration tool. For this Interview, Juraj Zamborsky Head of Sales & Business Development  answered our questions.

Hi Juraj,

Can you tell us a little about Kontentino? What is your positioning?
The most human-friendly social media tool for ad agencies and their clients. Kontentino enables advertising agencies and their clients to seamlessly collaborate when creating and approving social media content/ads.
As a significant result, the quality of content improves and mistakes or fails are avoided when publishing social content/ads and it saves 40% of the time on operational tasks.
Moreover, the analytics section puts data in context so social media managers are able to better understand the performance of the posts/ads when reporting to clients.

What business problems do you solve?
Agency-client communication and approval workflow is complicated.
4 years ago we used to work in our agency exactly the same as 90% of agencies work today. Using Excel or Google Docs to prepare the content, getting it approved via email, they spend almost 40% of our time on operational tasks which could be reduced.
Based on our needs we build Kontentino that simplifies the whole content creation, team collaboration and allows clients to seamlessly approve content. We believe, that Kontentino will make also their social media management flawless as it happened to us.

Which are the Kontentino functionalities’?

There are several core functionalities of Kontentino.

1- Intuitive, yet powerful calendar that keeps everyone from the agency and clients’ side on the same page. Within the calendar users create posts and they preview them.

2- Secondly, there is the live post preview. It shows all our post formats in the exact same way as they will be published on particular social network. Supporting the widest range of the post formats.

3- Next to the post preview, there is a comment section available where both agencies and clients can communicate, upload important documents, files, without a need to use other communication solutions.

4- Another great feature is an asset and inspiration storage. Kontentino is also used as a Dropbox or Google Drive for storing the visual assets and suggest some post ideas.

Last but not least — Kontentino has analytics that puts data in the context and provide an effective way to see the best performing posts based on the selected KPIs.

What is your killer feature?
There are a few of them we hear our clients decided to use Kontentino for. Apart from the core functionalities, killer functionalities are:

1- Approval feature, pixel perfect post previews for post formats, including carousels, stories and 360 photos posts, human-friendly calendar and KontentBase.

2- KontentBase is a module that allows global brands to easily create, distribute and adjust global content to local markets and regions.

3- Analytics that put data into context so users better understand why some posts performs better than other.

I would also emphasize our world-class support , since 90% of companies using Kontentino valuate this benefit the most.

With which other tools can Kontentino be plugged?
We don’t provide any integrations yet, it will be our focus in Q1, integrating with complementary tools like Slack, Asana, Trello and obviously Zapier. We do not have API policy set yet.

What are your onboarding processes?
We provide easy in-app onboarding experience when after registration users connect their social media profile and create social media posts. We also love to keep personal touch and invite clients to participate on short product demo.

How do you support your customers?
Our users can reach us out via the Intercom Chat we have, we also have a set of tutorials and guides they can use. Our biggest clients have also a dedicated success managers who provide full support via phone and email.

Which are your objectives for 2019?
There are 2 main focuses for the next year. Customer centric product development on one hand and FB campaign manager and other tools integrations on the other one. We also plan to expand more in the USA and build partnerships with the network agencies around the globe.

How do you see your market’s future?
The market is fast changing. We know that paid ads and personalized marketing will rule the social media world in 2019. Instagram will be used more as a sales tool for FMCG.

Juraj Zamborsky, Head of Sales & Business Development 📈Kontentino

About Kontentino :

  • Founded in: 2015
  • Location(s): Bratislava, Slovakia; Prague, Czech Republic
  • Number of customers: 1000 agencies and brands
  • Customer typology : Digital Agencies which create and manage clients’ social media content and Global Brands
  • Fund raising: Bootstrapped from the day 1
  • Main Competitors: Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Social Report


Kontentino, A new tool for Social Media Management, Publishing, Planning & Collaboration


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Martech Insider: Focus on Tagger Media (EN)

Martech Insider : Agorapulse, Social Media Management ! (FR)

Jérémie Clément

L'équipe Saas Advisor

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