L’hybridation des données au PSG

Data Hybridization at PSG – Interview with Antoine Burtin, Digital Content Analyst

May 20, 2024

On April 23rd and 24th, Saas Advisor, in partnership with Audiense, hosted "Hybrid", the first Social Media event dedicated to data hybridization in France. The event, which took place both online and in person, featured numerous high-profile guests and offered an engaging and enriching experience.

On this occasion, Antoine Burtin, Digital Content Analyst at PSG, answered our social media questions.


How does data hybridization manifest at PSG?

"At PSG, we combine conversation analysis with performance analysis. It is crucial for us to have all types of data so we can cross-reference them and understand the typical profile of a PSG fan. For me, data hybridization involves merging data from various platforms, analyzing it in different ways: conversational, audience-related, and content performance."

What has most impressed you about the evolution of consumer data in recent years?

"In recent years, we've gained much more detailed data and a finer approach to data analysis, especially on platforms like YouTube, where we can now see the number of shares via SMS through YouTube Studio. This increasing granularity of data is particularly striking on certain platforms. However, some platforms are still maturing, such as TikTok, where we lack sufficient data, or Snapchat, where we only have data from the past 28 days. There's still progress to be made in cracking these data sets to better understand our audience and the content we produce."

What will be your major social media challenges in 2024 at PSG?

"Our goal is to approach Manchester United, which is third in terms of global community size, and strive to join them on the podium."

What role does artificial intelligence play in your social media strategy?

"We have several AI-related initiatives. From a social listening perspective, we will be able to gauge the level of positive and negative sentiment in conversations about the club, players, or management. Additionally, AI will assist in content moderation, allowing us to filter out insulting, controversial, or even conspiracy-laden comments."

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