Saas Advisor White Papers

At Saas Advisor, we've seen the need for greater clarity when it comes to digital strategy and marketing tools. That's why we've created a series of white papers to clear up any confusion, identify the best tools and practices, and give our expert advice to help our audience move confidently forward on their digital journey.

We have created five white papers on the following topics:
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Digital transformation and SaaS software
  • SaaS management (software license management)
  • Consumer research: the technologies that are shaking things up
  • Understanding Digital Asset Management
Rating : comment optimiser son rating pour améliorer son image de marque et ses ventes ? 

Rating : comment optimiser son rating pour améliorer son image de marque et ses ventes ? 

Aujourd’hui, un avis positif ou négatif peut influencer des dizaines, voire des centaines de futurs clients, redéfinissant ainsi les notions de réputation et de confiance dans l’écosystème digital. Alors comment tirer parti des avis clients et transformer ce levier en avantage compétitif durable ?
Best practices CRM Saas Advisor

CRM : comment réussir son intégration pour atteindre ses objectifs business ?

L'évolution des attentes des consommateurs, la croissance des canaux digitaux, et la nécessité de personnaliser chaque interaction ont fait du CRM (Customer Relationship Management) un levier incontournable pour les entreprises souhaitant rester compétitives et atteindre leurs objectifs business. Alors comment réussir son intégration CRM de manière à maximiser les retombées positives sur le chiffre d’affaires, l'efficacité opérationnelle, et la satisfaction client ?

Intelligence artificielle : Les grandes forces en présence et leur impact sur les transformations digitales des entreprises

L’intelligence artificielle générative est sur le point de transformer profondément de nombreux secteurs et de révolutionner les métiers du marketing digital. Un sujet aussi brûlant méritait bien un livre blanc Saas Advisor, et nous avons choisi d’y dresser un panorama des grandes forces en présence et de l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur les transformations digitales des entreprises.Avec un zoom sur le RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) qui combine les capacités de récupération d’informations avec la génération de textes pour produire des réponses précises et contextuellement riches, notre livre blanc vient également adresser la question suivante : le RAG est-il l’avenir de l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle en entreprise ?
transformation digitales conseil Saas Advisor

Digital Transformation and SaaS Software

We've created a comprehensive guide to understanding the Martech ecosystem, and choosing the best tools for your business. With an ever-growing range of software for marketing, digital and communications professionals, teams are sometimes at a loss to make the most optimal choices. To help you make the right decisions, SaaSAdvisor offers an overview of the Martech ecosystem, and 7 tips for getting to grips with this world.As a marketing technology consultancy, we offer you a free eBook to help you understand the challenges of digital transformation and SaaS software. We share our expertise through several tips for implementing an effective software strategy!
Saas Management Conseil Saas Advisor

SaaS Management

At Saas Advisor, we're convinced that this approach, applied to digital marketing tools, will become increasingly important. It will enable companies to rationalize their software costs, strengthen data security, and involve the various stakeholders (Marketing, Digital, Communication, Data, IT, Legal, Purchasing...) in the acquisition and deployment of a solution.
Consumer research: technologies that move the lines

Consumer research: technologies that move the lines

New technologies have become indispensable! In recent years, new technologies and players have emerged to enable brands to nurture their customer knowledge, interviewing consumers ever more effectively and exploiting the new data offered by digital technology. Our White Paper aims to provide a better understanding of these technologies and their impact.
Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management

DAM, or Digital Asset Management, is a type of marketing software that compiles, classifies and archives all a company's digital files (photos, videos, texts, music, etc.). These solutions are mainly used by Social Media Managers as databases, to retrieve files that can then be published on social networks. But they're not the only ones... Other departments, such as HR (job offers), Marketing (sales offers), Communication (professional articles) can also feed these content databases. DAM tools facilitate collaborative work and validation before publication. At Saas Advisor, we are convinced that these tools are essential for large groups wishing to tell a similar story in different countries or for different brands, for example, in order to maintain consistency in terms of global brand image. DAM software complements engagement tools (or Social Media Publishing).
Event Technology

Event Technology

In the eyes of professionals, events remain a major customer acquisition channel, with very high personalization stakes for the years to come. The sector has been able to reinvent itself and take advantage of a change in habits desired by the public. To adapt, trade show organizers, event agencies, companies themselves and specialized software publishers have revolutionized their offerings.

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