L’hybridation des données chez Orange

The Hybridization of Data at Orange

April 23-24, SaaS Advisor, in collaboration with Audiense, hosted "Hybrid", the very first event in France dedicated to the hybridization of social media data. These two evenings, held both online and in-person, were highlighted by the presence of numerous renowned speakers, offering engaging and enriching discussions.

On this occasion, Lionel Fumado, Communication DATA, AI, and Performance Officer at Orange, answered our social media questions. To view the video, click below.

How does data hybridization manifest at Orange?

“Data hybridization at Orange is central to our data analysis. What’s crucial is capturing all customer, consumer, and audience insights. Through search listening, we can gather intentions; through conversational data on social networks, we get satisfaction, NPS, etc. So, having a hybrid and comprehensive, even complex, view of the data is essential.”

What has struck you most about the evolution of consumer data in recent years?

“In terms of consumer data, several things are evolving rapidly.
Firstly: regulations. Working with data is increasingly complex, and Orange is very vigilant about privacy and personal data compliance.
Secondly: the speed of evolving usage. We hear a lot about TikTok today, and we must not overlook video platforms, influence, and also Twitch, which is very interesting for engagement.
Thirdly: the pace at which tools for marketing and communication professionals are developing. What’s interesting here is the move towards greater ease of use with increasingly comprehensive tools.”

What will be your major social media challenges in 2024 at Orange?

“Orange is already very present on social media, but we still have social media challenges. First, to be an even more service-oriented brand, closer to the consumer. We notice that there’s a high demand for real-time service content creation, especially for short-term needs. We are in high demand for short content that meets very concrete needs. Secondly: the emergence of social media like TikTok, where we are eagerly awaited. Orange France is preparing to launch a TikTok account in June.”

What role does artificial intelligence play in your social media strategy?

“Orange is a company that has the opportunity to test many innovative tools, and generative AI is part of that. In terms of communication, data, web, and social networks, we are currently utilizing artificial intelligence. What’s interesting is that it will help us accelerate our conversational analyses, social listening, and keyword analysis. It will allow us to be quicker in deriving insights and producing content. Generative AI also aids in content creation, whether textual or visual. We work with journalistic content, and AI will technically help optimize in terms of SEO and keywords.”

What are the main benefits and limitations of data hybridization for marketing professionals, in your view?

“With data hybridization, we always face the challenge of big data, where we have a lot of data, which requires being smart in how we choose and process it. There’s always the risk of having too much data, collecting a lot of information, and not knowing what to do with it. The challenge is to ask, ‘What do we want to achieve?’, ‘What impact do we want to have?’, and to seek hybrid data that will address our impact goals.”

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