Sport et Technologies Marketing : la Data pour mesurer la passion ?

Sports and Marketing Technologies: Using Data to Measure Passion

April 21, 2023

Here is the replay of the webinar we conducted in December 2022 with Romain Silva, Strategic Planner at PSG, focusing on "Sports and Marketing Technologies." Romain explains how he uses data to enhance fan engagement and experience, and ultimately drive revenue.



On the agenda:

  • In a sector driven by fan fervor, can you build your brand with a data-driven approach?
  • Does the use of new technologies allow for an analytical approach to constructing and managing your marketing strategy?
  • What is the future of Sports, Marketing Technologies, and Data?

Sports and marketing technologies have converged exponentially in recent years. The collection, analysis, and utilization of data in sports have enabled clubs (coaches, managers, marketers, etc.), organizations (federations, etc.), and athletes to make more informed decisions, optimize their performance, and better understand their audience.

Regarding athletes:

By employing technologies such as motion sensors, fitness trackers, and performance tracking systems (distance covered, high-intensity runs, etc.), or simply analyzing various statistics from a game or event (weight/power/performance ratios, number of shots, passes, points, goals, conditions, etc.), teams can gather precise data on athletes' performance, health, and recovery. This data can then be used for various purposes, such as adjusting training plans, optimizing individual and team performance, or reducing the risk of injuries.

And for marketing?

In terms of marketing, data can also be used to tailor advertisements based on fans' interests and habits, which can enhance the effectiveness of campaigns.

Moreover, data can be used to provide more personalized experiences by gaining a better understanding of fans' preferences and behaviors, thus strengthening their engagement and loyalty.

  • What are my fans' consumption habits?
  • What are the most popular merchandise items? Which ones generate the highest margins?
  • Do my fans have preferred viewing times?
  • Who are my social media followers? Which platforms are most used, when, and why?
  • What content do my fans share?

Marketing professionals today have an increasing number of technological tools to offer products and services tailored to fans' preferences, exclusive content on social media, special promotions, and unique events.

While data is at the heart of sports marketing, technologies enable the implementation of a genuine data-driven strategy through collection, analysis, and utilization.

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