Martech Insider : Focus sur Relay42

Martech Insider: Focus on Relay42

November 07, 2019

In our Martech Insider Newsletter, we highlight a marketing technology each month that deserves attention. For November 2019, we have chosen to focus on Relay42, which offers an Intelligent Journey Orchestration solution. Celia Goletto, Head of the French Market, has kindly agreed to answer our questions.

Hello Celia, can you describe Relay42's positioning?

In 2011, Tomas and Koen decided to found Relay42 after receiving an untimely mortgage offer from their bank. They realized the enormous marketing waste, estimated in millions of euros, caused by ineffective use of customer data. Their mission became to launch a solution enabling the creation of personalized customer journeys in real-time through data utilization.

Today, Relay42 has achieved its goal of enabling businesses to communicate one-on-one with their customers. Specifically, we have combined CDP, DMP, and Journey Orchestration functionalities over the years. We now refer to our technology as Intelligent Journey Orchestration, using AI for individualized customer journeys.

Can you describe the main features of your platform?

Our mission is to enable businesses to individualize their customer journeys. We work in three stages to achieve this goal.

The first phase allows businesses to centrally manage all their data (1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data; online and offline data) to create unique, individual profiles based on real-time observed behaviors. Once these individual profiles are created, they can be activated.

In the second phase, we enable businesses to create end-to-end customer journeys by orchestrating each step. This allows the implementation of omnichannel strategies, ensuring the importance and relevance of each touchpoint. With Relay42, your customers receive relevant, personalized messages at the most opportune moments in their purchase cycles. This facilitates personalized journeys that enhance growth, conversion rates, and improve loyalty and retention.

Finally, the third phase involves predicting customer actions using artificial intelligence. This allows businesses to anticipate customer behavior and act accordingly in real-time.

Are there interconnections between Relay42 and other Martech tools?

Absolutely, Relay42 integrates with the existing digital ecosystem of the companies we work with. We have over 800 ready-to-use integrations and are committed to building any connector that doesn’t already exist.

What types of problems do you solve?

Today, there is a gap between customer experience teams and marketing teams, who often work in silos.

For some context, according to Deloitte (Beyond marketing: Experience reimagined, Deloitte, 2019), 47% of consumers do not engage with a brand that offers impersonal experiences. According to McKinsey (Perspectives on Personalization @ Scale, July 2018, McKinsey & Company), 95% of brands recognize the need and potential for personalization, but only 20% of companies allocate resources to such projects. For us, true personalization is achieved only when a customer or prospect is perceived as an individual.

Our Intelligent Journey Orchestration technology unites customer experience and marketing by combining essential data unification technology (DMP, CDP) with orchestration and AI technology. With Relay42, each individual on your site or that of your partner is recognized, and only those relevant to your marketing campaign are addressed on the most appropriate communication channel. This also helps businesses avoid spamming existing customers or uninterested individuals, optimizing their marketing budgets.

Tell us more about your customer onboarding process.

Our onboarding process spans three months. During these three months, we cover all technical questions and the company’s business objectives. The final part involves creating high-impact use cases in terms of ROI.

We are a SaaS platform; however, we adopt a consulting approach. Our team of data processing experts assists all our clients in optimizing their use of the Relay42 platform.

What types of use cases do you have with your clients?

We have many innovative use cases. One of them is the optimization of the "Passenger Load Factor" for Transavia. By connecting a "Load Factor" feed (passengers booked on a specific flight) with customer data, we targeted individuals with a high propensity to book a flight, only for flights with available seats.

Another unique and interesting use case is with Mazda NL. The first step was unifying customer data to recognize all digital users. Recognized users who customized their cars on the Mazda website were subsequently addressed via an omnichannel campaign offering them the last viewed and customized model. With this personalization, Mazda NL saw its CTR increase by 100%, and dealers noted a 19% increase in potential customers.

What are your goals for 2020?

In 2020, we aim to continue our expansion in Asia and Europe, particularly in France and Spain. Regarding France, we have been working in the market for four years now but did not have a dedicated team. We officially launched the solution on November 5th in Paris.

About Relay42

  • Founded: 2011 in Amsterdam
  • Locations: 5 offices (Amsterdam, London, Singapore, Sofia, Paris)
  • Number of Employees: ~100 people
  • Number of Clients: Over 50
  • Key References: Air France, Transavia
  • Client Typology: We focus on B2C industries: financial services, travel, telecommunications, energy, and retail.
  • Intelligent Journey Orchestration: Relay42 customer journey orchestration platform

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