Software license management and budget optimization

Would you like to find out more about the benefits of SaaS Management? Take alook at our dedicated dossier: SaaS Management, a 360° view of all your software.


  1. Pharma & Dermo-Cosmetics Group
  2. Children's clothing and toy brands
  3. Agencies (consulting, digital...)

1. Pharma & Dermo-Cosmetics Group

"Better control our software costs, security and compliance of our Data".

2. Children's clothing and toy brands

"Reference all our software and the usage levels of each, and determine areas for optimization."

3. Agencies (consulting, digital...)

"In order to provide our customers with the best possible support, our agency contracts over time with numerous software publishers. Ultimately, these costs can weigh heavily.

Our added value:

Our knowledge of numerous digital tool ecosystems within various organizations, but also, our in-depth knowledge of several tool segments and publishers' business mechanisms, enabling us to detect many possible optimizations.


  • Setting up the SaaS Management tool
  • Mapping of known teams & tools
  • Mapping of all SaaS licenses
  • User interviews and assessment
  • Document First Recommendations
  • Redefinition of processes & tools used
  • Ongoing monitoring
  • Management of (re)negotiations with publishers
  • Setting up a renewal schedule


✔ "Real" knowledge of all software used within an organization

✔ Substantial savings in the short, medium and long term

✔ Greater security and compliance

✔ A roadmap for the future, a clearly defined process for tool acquisition and ecosystem integration

✔ Setting up framework agreements, enabling greater flexibility and scalability.

Thinking about your tool park? Want to find out more about our support?

Our other case studies:

Help with selecting a new digital marketing tool: here

Social media tools, deployment & adoption: here

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